I first spend my days walking around exercising and sleeping while playing games. Then I went to a movie to see the new spider man movie (No way home). Me and my friend's girlfriend and her cousin went to the movies. We had a good time together as a group. We hanged out at the Main place mall. Then I spent my day shopping for a majority of christmas trying to maybe get some good deals on clothes. Then I washed clothes and spent the remaining week staying at home, playing games and calling friends. Overall I'd say my winter break was quite good and not as bad. Although I missed seeing my friends in-person.
Here's some photos I took during winter break...
Little bit about the pictures. The drawing pictures and the green parrots are taken from home. The ring on my hand was taken in the back of a taxi at Albertsons. The date of the pictures was December 27 for the drawings and I took the picture of the ring on my hand on December 29 also when I took the picture of the green parrots. I took the art pictures cause i love sharing art but also photography! I took the picture of the Parrots cause I like taking pictures of animals and saw a opportunity with the green birds. For the picture of the ring on my hand I just took that cause I was bored in the taxi.